To my readers...all 14 of you!
Moltenmetalmama more. This is what happens when ambition kicks in and Mama has plans to expand...
Which is precisely what I've done. I've diversified, gotten myself noticed, and Things, as they say, Are Afoot...
Henceforward, I frolic on Wordpress in several locations and with several faces...
The MMM you know and loathe is now located - with much recycling of material - at
The Termagant Tarleisio
The Fumehead with a Fury is now known as
The Alembicated Genie
The Effing Book is about to go online! Find it here:
The Effing Book
Quantum Demonology is in the process of being revised...again! But the first thirteen chapters are still available for snarky comments right here:
Quantum Demonology
And finally...time a little. Also known as...Too Much Imagination, The After Dark Issue...
The Secret Lives of Thalia and Erato
Thank you SO much for all the fun we've had! There's much more to come, just in new and fancier digs!
Shall I see you there?
Recess Appointment
4 days ago
Indeed you shall, Tarleisio. Best of luck.
ReplyDeleteCool! Donn went home on the 15th of November, so that blog is ended, too. Nice to have The Effing Book up. Brian's been curious about it, and I, like a tootal foo', deleted chapters, but hey! Off you come to the rescue. I'll check this stuff out, and you are free to alert me when you have another post. May the wind be always at your back.